Grief Survival Guide Notes
Topics: grief, loss, death of a loved one
One of the first things someone told me (I don’t remember who) was I should start writing things down—grief brain is…different. Processing is slow. Thinking is blurry. Decision making is hard. What? What’s happening? Cell phone? Where? How do I talk to people? How do I get dressed? How do I not sound like a total b*#&h every moment of every day? How am I supposed to be human?
Solution? Write things down. Read the things when brain short circuits. Repeat.
I started a list in the notes app on my phone. I’d add to it each time a sane-ish thought ran through my mind. I have to be honest, they aren’t all winners, but I said I’d go there, so I am—unfiltered notes on how to autopilot when thinking, feeling, deciding, and processing were just too much.
How to behave:
Grief makes you selfish—remember to think of others too
Don’t compare everything to, ‘Is it worse than my brother being dead?’
Other people’s happiness might feel insensitive, but it usually isn’t—it’s just bad timing. You don’t need to be happy for them, but you can’t lash out.
Create intentional space from things that are too painful
It’s ok to give stupid answers to stupid questions…play stupid games, win silly prizes.
Things that always calm you down:
Hug B
Hug your pets
Play outside with the dogs
Lover TSwift (skip Soon You’ll Get Better, It’s Nice to Have A Friend, Lover, Cornelia Street)
Veggie Tales ‘God is Bigger than the Boogeyman’
Nature documentaries (avoid the ones where the hyenas kill everything)
Nail painting videos on instagram
Cookie decorating videos on instagram
Lake Michigan
GoodReads Fitzgerald quotes
Your pocket devotional flash cards
Apple juice and goldfish crackers
The key change in “I Will Wait” (Mumford & Sons)
B’s mac and cheese
Look at pictures on your phone if you don’t know what to wear. What are you wearing in the pictures? Wear that. (Side note, why can’t mental pictures become real pictures?)
You can’t fix it. Nobody can.
You can buy the shoes, but they won’t make you feel better.
“Right now” thinking. Looking backwards will drive you crazy with stress/regret/sadness. Looking forward can make you feel anxious. There isn't anything you can do about the past or future so tune it out and give your mind a rest. Actively stop thinking about anything that isn’t in your face. Plan with caution. Remember but don’t obsess.
Always take pictures. More than you think you’ll ever want.
Thinking weird things is normal. Thinking about acting on the weird things requires intervention. Get help.
You don’t need to be ‘OK’. You’re allowed bad days.
People will move on, that’s expected. But anyone who expects you to move on from a life-altering, insurmountable tragedy in the span of weeks or months is someone you can stop associating with. People who lack compassion aren’t your people in this season of life—Tim* said so. (Tim* = Dr. Tim Duthler, psychologist)
Our criminal justice system might be ‘one of the best in the world’ but it’s still really messed up.
Empty panic—that’s what it feels like. It’s panic in the present over something that happened in the past. The panic is real, your fight or flight response is high-key, but you can’t do anything. It’s all written, signed, sealed, delivered. But the panic…the panic is unrelenting. Grief is fear in reverse.
Even a year later, sometimes I still forget you’re gone.
The anticipation of the bad days is usually worse than the bad days themselves.
Acid rain. It feels like acid rain on your insides.
God doesn’t require words/sentences to understand prayers. You can just sit in the silence. Or put on music. Or cry. Or groan. All are accepted.
You don’t owe people conversation or details (but don’t be rude about it).
Repeating the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostle’s Creed are worship. God doesn’t ‘ting’ you for being repetitive.
Don’t listen to the sad playlists on days you’re already sad—you know your mood can’t bounce back from it.
You have to at least try.
When B puts on TSwift and asks you to dance with him in the kitchen, always say yes
Your friends love you, they don’t think you’re a burden. It’s ok to text them and ask for encouragement/cat pictures/gossip updates.
Fuck this shit.
You don’t have to have a plan/conflict/reason to decline an invite. Sometimes the reason can simply be ‘not feeling up to it.’
You aren’t the only one who has bad stuff going on. Ask your friends about their lives, too. Commiserate with their hardship, too.
“You know, I keep thinking it’s going to get easier, but it just doesn’t.”
“No, it doesn’t. It just gets more familiar.”
Six Feet Under
“The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
“How blessed are some people, whose lives have no fears, no dreads; to whom sleep is a blessing that comes nightly, and brings nothing but sweet dreams.”
Bram Stoker
“To the living we owe respect, to the dead we owe only the truth.”
“I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is one fire, invisible smoke
And all of my heroes die all alone,
Help me hold on to you.”
Taylor Swift
"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us, we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."
C.S. Lewis
“Here are the two best prayers I know: 'Help me, help me, help me,' and 'Thank you, thank you, thank you.’”
Anne Lamott
Things that are always ok to wear:
Ballet bun
Black ankle pants
Striped shirt
Chambray button down
Messy ponytail. Add a bow to sell the effort.
Cami and cardigan (with jeans, flippy skirt and tights, black pants)
Supergas or Sperrys
Crew neck sweater
White button down
Navy blazer
Coral, cream, kelly green, navy, bright pink
Add a necklace and earrings
If you put on enough mascara and lip gloss, nobody can tell you were crying
Things that will always make you laugh:
While You Were Sleeping
John Mulaney stand up
John Crist videos
Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer
NFL bad lip reading on YouTube
Ew, David.
The Office ‘burned my foot on a George Foreman grill’ episode
Meals that are easy to make for dinner:
Baked mac and cheese
Grill something
Breakfast for supper
Soup (chili, chicken noodle, chicken & wild rice, white bean)
French bread pizza
Quinoa caesar salads
Anything in the crock pot (pulled chicken, roast, pulled pork)
Baked potato bar
If all your coping resources fail, remember the bare minimum mandates in life:
Act justly
Love mercy
Walk humbly
Love Jesus
Love others
That’s it. That’s all. That’s the whole list.